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Thinking Positive, Being Mindful & Healing

Updated: Sep 19, 2018

While making art unconsciously it allows us to become conscious and aware of our issues, stressors or even things we might not have ever noticed before until making the art. It allows people to be more mindful of what triggers their mental health issues. Art Therapy truly benefits so many different individuals. "Creative activities are known to enhance brain functioning and structure, alleviate depression, and give rise to alpha wave patterns, Malchiodi" While enhancing brain activity it allows for more structured thinking. This field has enabled me to think more positively because it relieves stress and allows the healing process to begin organically. Art Therapy is deeply rooted in psychology. Art therapist view the impulse of making art as an expression of ID energy. I believe creativity and art therapy can give a person a realistic mindsets.

Some people do need a little more than just "positive thinking" in order to take a mindful approach to life, because simply thinking positively is very mindless. Art therapy allows for a person to set realistic goals so, when they reach these goals they gain more confidence. Its important to wait on the "ah hah" moment while making art for therapy and not just expect all of your answers to come as soon as you start your sessions. It is a process and in this process, the process is more important than the outcome. People often get discouraged with art therapy because they don't think their work is "visually appealing", but what the work looks like is not important. What you feel and uncover is more important for healing. The art making process allows individuals to be free. Finding out more about your inner self through art therapy will make you more mindful.

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